Hi there! I'm Felix 👋🏾

I have 19 years of experience in software development in different environments and platforms, I started late in 2001 as a Web Developer, I often remember that old HTML and javascript with nostalgia. Later I worked for huge corporations, growing up with the rise of new technologies like Java and .Net, yes I worked on both sides, the lighter and the dark side of the moon. I did a shift in my career in 2008 when I had my first experience in American startups, it was my welcoming to new paradigms and innovation technologies since then I love to work in these environments with agile methodologies. Today I'm living in the world of big data and cloud services, and I have experience also working in global collaboration teams and nearshore.

In summary, I'm polyglot programming I love coding but also leading teams and doing software architecture. I'm specialized in the next areas:

I love to talk about innovation and new technologies, I'm always participating in local groups of Python, Data Science, and Engineering. I often give consulting of big data and data integration if you are interested in, feel free to ping me at com.felix.mtz@gmail.com.

What is this blog about?

Here you will find experiences and code for work in Data Engineering, DevOps, and other trends. I built this blog to share my knowledge and having a place to concentrate some useful tricks because as fast I'm getting older I start to forget things 😂😅. I hope this would be helpful for engineers who want to become data experts.
